
How to install the shaft mounted motor. Here mainly through the description of the shaft mounted motor and the installation of the relationship between the machine, shaft and gear motor and working machine connection, the installation of anti-torque bracket these three aspects to tell.
First, the shaft vertical mill gearbox and the installation of the relationship between the machine
In order to avoid the work machine spindle deflection and in the reducer bearing on the additional force, the distance between the reducer and the working machine, without affecting the normal working conditions should be as small as possible, its value is 5-10mm.
Second, the Helical parallel shaft geared motor and work machine connection
The reducer is directly mounted on the working machine spindle, and when the reducer is running, the counter-torque acting on the reducer housing is installed on the reducer chassis or is balanced by other methods. Machine directly match the other end with the fixed bracket connection.
Third, the installation of anti-torque bracket
The counter-moment bracket shall be mounted on the side of the working machine towards which the reducer is oriented to reduce the bending moment attached to the working machine shaft. The counter-moment bracket and the sleeve of the fixed support link use elastomers such as rubber to prevent the occurrence of deflection and absorption of the generated torque ripple.

