
Helical Bevel Gear Drives lubrication, but also cause a bad side of the lubrication, splash of this lubrication, mainly for high-speed occasions, for this medium load, low speed is clearly inappropriate. Long life, poor maintenance of the closed life of the full hollow shaft gearmotor, the boiler row into the gear box, tooth chain CVT, planetary reducer lubrication, can also be used for centralized grease lubrication equipment.


helical geared motors lubrication method is unreasonable and structural design flaws, resulting in this cycloidal speed reducer in the application of unreliable. Reflected the problem, the first is to reduce the service life, followed by the sound and vibration, resulting in frequent maintenance. And every maintenance, you must replace the eccentric bearing and needle sets, so that maintenance costs increased. The work of the bearing is not very stable, due to the role of gravity and mechanical movement of the vibration, will inevitably lead to a slight displacement in the axial position of the bearing, this relative movement is very harmful, continuous impact may lead to elastic ring Of the deformation and break, the risk of bearing off the shaft off, even if the bearing does not fall off, but also because of vibration and produce a lot of noise.


The following will be a detailed description of the reducer using oil skills and methods.

First, when refueling can be open the upper part of the seat ventilation cap can be refueling. Turn off the lower part of the seat when the oil drain plug, you can release the oil. The reducer is factory free of oil.
Second, the new reducer has been added lubricants, once every six months to replace. Grease with aluminum disulfide-2 # or 2L-2 # lithium-based grease.
Third, the helical bevel gearmotor in the normal use of oil sump lubrication, oil level can be maintained in the middle of the window can be in the working conditions, the ambient temperature at high temperatures can be used to lubricate the cycle.
Fourth, the first refueling operation 100 hours should replace the new oil, and the internal sewage rinse clean and then continue to work every six months to replace the 8 hours of work, if the working conditions may be appropriate to shorten the oil change time, practice proved reducer Of the regular cleaning and oil change for the extension of the life of the gear has an important role. In the course of the use of lubricants should always be added.
5, vertical installation worm reduction gearboxes to prevent oil from the oil, in order to avoid damage to the parts of the reducer.
6, cycloid reducer at room temperature generally use 40 # or 50 # mechanical oil lubrication, in order to improve the performance of reducer to extend the cycloid reducer life, it is recommended to use 70 # or 90 # extreme pressure gear Oil, in the case of high and low temperature can also be reconsidered when the oil.
The analysis can be used to analyze the oil for the entire reducer operation has played a very big role. In the normal temperature, the use of oil can fully provide the performance of reducer. In the long-term work and the use of reducer, you can effectively protect the reducer and extend the life of the reducer.


How to install the shaft mounted motor. Here mainly through the description of the shaft mounted motor and the installation of the relationship between the machine, shaft and gear motor and working machine connection, the installation of anti-torque bracket these three aspects to tell.
First, the shaft vertical mill gearbox and the installation of the relationship between the machine
In order to avoid the work machine spindle deflection and in the reducer bearing on the additional force, the distance between the reducer and the working machine, without affecting the normal working conditions should be as small as possible, its value is 5-10mm.
Second, the Helical parallel shaft geared motor and work machine connection
The reducer is directly mounted on the working machine spindle, and when the reducer is running, the counter-torque acting on the reducer housing is installed on the reducer chassis or is balanced by other methods. Machine directly match the other end with the fixed bracket connection.
Third, the installation of anti-torque bracket
The counter-moment bracket shall be mounted on the side of the working machine towards which the reducer is oriented to reduce the bending moment attached to the working machine shaft. The counter-moment bracket and the sleeve of the fixed support link use elastomers such as rubber to prevent the occurrence of deflection and absorption of the generated torque ripple.