
Deceleration motor after prolonged use will appear high temperature rise phenomenon, the emergence of this problem, if not resolved in time, will have a certain impact on our equipment, so that the motor can be used for a long time, the following we look together What causes it to rise too much temperature and the solution to the problem!
1. If the bearing of the Pellet mill gearbox is damaged or the wear is too large, it will cause the stator and the rotor to rub against each other, which may cause the temperature to rise. At this time, it is checked whether the bearing is loose or not.
2. If the voltage exceeds 10% of the motor rated voltage or less, or less than 5% of the rated voltage, the motor is easy to heat under the rated load, the temperature rise, should check and adjust the voltage.
3. Stator winding turns or interphase short circuit or ground, so that the current increases, increased damage and overheating, for this problem, if the fault is not serious, just re-pack insulation, serious replacement winding.
4. Cage rotor broken wire or wound rotor coil connector loose, causing the maintenance network current is too large and heat, this time we need to wire or replace the copper wire, and replace the cast aluminum rotor.
When the motor is in the process of high temperature rise problem, we should carefully analyze the causes of this problem, the right medicine, in order to fundamentally solve the problem.

