
The advantage of speed increaser gearbox

speed increaser gearbox featuring several different gearbox designs for controlling shaft position, timing or speed correction.

• Right Angle Phasing • Infinite Variable Speed
• Inline Shaft Phasing • Explosion Proof Control
• Inline Adjustable Speed • Combination Gearmotors


Worm gears belong to the cross axis drives

Worm gears belong to the cross axis drives; with them a very high gear ratio can be realized in one stage. But this advantage is coupled with a high sliding velocity between the meshing gear teeth. Therefore the tooth friction and also the tooth friction power losses are higher than with other gear bevel variants. By the construction of gear solutions it is important to know their future efficiency.


The value of the worm gearboxes

worm gearboxes with ratios up to 30:1, or those with 2-in. center distances or less, are often a better value than helical reducers. Such worm-gear units offer about 78% efficiency, compared to 62% in our example, because the worm reduction gearboxes and wheel are smaller and generate lower friction losses.


lifting operation efficiency of Cycloidal gear reducer

Cycloidal gear reducer providing correct gearhead  to meet your application needs;
Cycloidal gear reducer lowering maintenance cost and lifting operation efficiency;
Cycloidal speed reducers improving production capacity and boosting economic profitability.


Applications Of The Cycloid reducers

Cycloidal speed reducers are used in a number of industries to achieve precise positioning and increased throughput.
Cycloid reducers In applications where very high torque capacity and shock loading resistance are mandatory, double-enveloping worm drives provide rugged reliability. 


Worms and Worm Gears Information

Worms and worm gears are gear sets that offer high gear reduction and torque multiplication with a small footprint. A worm drive is a cylindrical gear with a shallow spiral thread that engages the worm gear in a non-intersecting, perpendicular axes configuration.

Worm gear efficiency? is determined by the lead angle and the number of threads in contact with the worm gear. A high lead angle on the drive reduces frictional losses and heat. A low lead angle reduces gear speed while proportionally increasing torque.

Friction is an issue can decide worm gear efficiency with all worm sets ; the worm gear cannot transfer motion back to the worm drive in most instances. Lubrication and ground teeth both contribute to the sets' overall silence while minimizing friction. Worm gear sets are usually produced in pairs due to their precision.


What Is A Gearbox Transmission

In order to efficiently transfer power from a car’s engine to it’s wheels, often a gearbox transmission is needed. While there are different types of transmissions, the most common is a gearbox transmission. Furthermore, the two main types of gearbox transmissions are a manual and an automatic. A car equipped with a manual transmission requires the driver to manually select the proper gear for their given speed using a gear shift to select the gear and a clutch to engage the transmission. This method requires more driver involvement, but gives an experienced driver more control over the car’s dynamics. This is usually the preference of drivers who like to participate in spirited driving and have more personal control over the car’s characteristics.

On the contrary, a car equipped with an automatic transmission will automatically select which is most appropriate for the given speed. Automatic transmissions are more user friendly and are the preferred transmission for consumers who are looking for their car to take them from point A to point B with the least amount of driver input.

Within a gearbox transmission, there are as few as two gears and the maximum number of gears is not strictly defined; however, most modern transmissions have between four and six gears. Each gear contained in any given gearbox will have a different ratio in sequence from low to high. A car will start out in first gear of speed increaser gearbox(the lowest gear) and as it accelerates, the transmission will climb through the gears until it reaches the proper gear for the sustained speed. To prevent the engine from stalling, the transmission will also need to descend through the gears as the car decelerates. Different gears make it possible to keep the engine’s RPM’s (revolutions per minute) within an economical and safe range to promote better gas mileage and decrease wear on engine components.

Transmissions,speed increaser gearbox coupled with different gear ratios also make it possible to accelerate and achieve the higher top speeds seen in modern cars.

Now that you have some general background knowledge about gearbox transmissions, you can select which type of transmission will best fit your needs.



Variators improved with power

A redesigned mechanical variator has been developed that saves space by using very wide angle cones, saves cost by running on ordinary power transmission fluid, and has an improved ratio changing mechanism.

Designed for industrial use, the device provided continuous variation of output speed over a 5:1 range from electric motors rated at up to 1.85kW. Possible automotive use of almost flat cone variators continues to be researched.

The V series of units from Bonfiglioli work rather like planetary gearboxes, except that they use planetary discs instead of planetary gears. Power transmission ratio is changed by turning a hand wheel, which brings the driving cones closer together or allows them to be further apart. Bringing them closer together forces the planetary discs between them outwards while allowing them to be further apart allows the discs to come inwards. The discs are held in slots in a spider that allows them to move in and out. The outer raceway in which the peripheries of the discs run is in the form of a slot. Since the whole arrangement is full of oil, viscous drag between the edges of the discs and the sides of the slots makes the discs rotate in a similar manner to planetary discs in a planetary gearbox. Power output is from a shaft connected to the disc spider.

Mechanical speed variators have been known since the nineteenth century. Probably the best known is the Kopp Variator which uses large balls and varies its ratio by changing the ball rotation axes angles, relative to those of the input and output shafts. Changing ball axis direction changes the circumferences of the contact paths between balls and input and output cones. Various companies have tried to develop both ball and cone variators for automotive use, but so far, none have succeeded commercially. The best known automotive ball variator is the Torotrak development and Professor N Gulia and other researchers in the Machine Design Department of Moscow State Industrial University, working in conjunction with the AMO ZIL plant, have patented automotive cone variators not dissimilar to the Bonfiglioli design, with 5 degree cones. All the automotive designs so far, seem to have come unstuck on their very demanding load requirements and consequent dependence on special lubricants such as Findett's 'Santotrack-50'. The Bonfiglioli design is covered by patent EP 1201967, which was published in May last year, but whose details are, "Not yet available." Ratio variation can be servo motor controlled if desired. d.
